Hello, I am running for Virginia Oathkeepers Northeast Regional Director. Allow me to give a brief bio of myself, and some things I believe.
My name is Bill McGlynn, and I am in the Fredericksburg area. I am a member of the Fredericksburg Chapter of Oathkeepers since 2014. I have been the chapter president for almost two years. I am one of the original founding members of Oathkeepers with membership number FM-016.
As chapter president, I have attended the majority of state leadership meetings to discuss local chapter issues and training. Barring family or work-related issues, I attend 90% of training offered by the regions and the state and have become familiar with many Oathkeepers across Virginia.
I am running for the Northeast Regional Director to coordinate chapter agenda’s and training so that all chapters are on the same page when it comes to training topics and regional information, and to ensure information is passed down to the Northeast regional chapters quickly and efficiently.
I believe the Virginia Oathkeepers is ONE organization. Each chapter has a voice of concerns, thoughts, and ideas, and each voice should be heard at the regional and state level. I promise to bring your thoughts or concerns to each state meeting to be listened to by other regional coordinators and state board members. Whether I agree or do not agree, your idea or interest will be voiced at the state level. However, as mentioned, this is ONE organization, and the final decision of the Board of Directors and regional directors will be abided.
I believe in God, country, and family. I pray often. I took an oath under God to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I believe it is an obligation of each member to be involved in protecting the Constitution by voting out the politicians that do not abide by the Constitution; by supporting the politicians that do defend the Constitution; by sending out emails and letters to politicians; in other words, be active, and just do not sit and complain.
I believe part of defending the Constitution also involves active participation in rallies or protests. However, those need coordinated at the state level and NOT the chapter level to ensure we are abiding by federal and state laws, and not going rogue.
I believe we need to train for emergencies so we can protect our families, neighbors, and brother/sister Oathkeepers in times of disaster or civil unrest. Those that believe we can survive individually are fools. It takes a family/group to cross train with the skills to survive.
This is a brief Bio. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have so you can make an informed decision as to who you want to have a Regional Director serving you.