Comms-Training-Feb2016We have a lot in store for members on and off site during the training weekend Feb 5-7. This includes everything from active radio operations to a swap meet.
We will be running several FRS, VHF, and HF (Voice, Digital, Winlink) stations. These will provide communications both on site and to the outside world (no Cell or Internet is available). We will use Radio for Talk-in, Paging, Announcements, Messaging, and Email. Please bring your transceivers, receivers, and chargers and be prepared to monitor all weekend. HF folks should bring gear to show ir test, We may need it for ops! CALL Virginia Oath Keepers HQ.
Hams that are unable to attend: Communicate with us on HF if you can; Lets create some traffic!! Non-hams can monitor ham bands anytime.

Radio Operations
Primary: Buckingham repeater 146.790 – offset 110.9 tone
Secondary:Appomattox Repeater 146.940 -offset 74.4 tone
If you can, program your radio for these prior to the weekend.

On Site:
VHF 147.465 simplex, FRS channel 1 (462.5625) Program these too!

Outside world:
We could use some HF licensed volunteers to help run the HQ station. If you can help, email
and/or see us as you arrive.
HF Winlink Anyone can use this system to pass both Emergency and Routine Messages. Provide the below instructions to your family and like minded friends. HOW? Send email to You MUST start the subject line with: //WL2K, followed by the member name. We will check and send radio email regularly while on site. Feel free to test this prior to the weekend. We will respond within 24 hours to test messages.
HF Digital Messaging 3.585 Night continuous, 7.120 Day continuous, 14.120 at 0805, 1305, 1635, 2105  for 5 minutes. CONTESTIA 4/250 +1000
HF Phone (Voice) 3.838 Night, 7.238 Day, 80-40m HF phone will be monitored sporadically and at 0800, 1300, 1630, 2100 for 5 minutes.14.345 will be monitored at 0810, 1310, 1640, 2110 for 5 minutes. We will work up the band for QRM.

Open Ham Transceiver use

Licensed HF Hams are welcome to operate the HF gear between VAOK operations and make contacts 24 hrs. Anyone is welcome to talk on the radio if a licensed control operator is present.


Tier 3 We will be running the “Basic VAOK comms training (Tier 3)” This will qualify you for your first COMMO rocker. It will cover how VAOK will communicate in grid up and grid down situations. It will include: Comms security, Radio use, Programming, & Monitoring, Net operations, Comms frequencies & schedules, Communication trees,and much more.
Tier 2 & 1 These are the intermediate and advanced Comms training classes that will qualify Hams for their COMMO 2 and COMMO 1 rockers. We will touch on this during Tier 3 training but it is still being developed. We will schedule a session to help define the requirements for future training.

We run radio and comms security exercises to practice our skills.

Static Displays
We may have some radio gear for viewing. Bring your emergency station and power gear for testing and display. 

Radio programming workshop
Ongoing: We will be prepared to program radios at the Radio HQ. If you have some specific frequencies you want to include in your radio, bring a list or a text file on a thumb drive.

Swap Meet
Bring your extra gear. Radio, gun, and prepping gear is welcome. We will have some tables available for swapping gear. It will probably be adjacent to the HQ station.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Holiday Lake 4H!